Saving Lives Across Africa

Innovating Maternal & Child Healthcare


Fast-growing population, mostly living under <$2/day

Population of 230M, ≈@400M in 2050

Statista 2024

≈150M live on <$2/day

Bloomberg 2022

≈1M children/year die before age 5


≈50k women/year die during pregnancy

WHO 2019

8M births/year

Statista 2023

50k doctors

ICIR 2023

150M Nigerians lack access
to conventional (actual doctors, clinics, labs)
or modern healthcare(video/app telemedicine)

(Statista 2024)

Saving Lives Across Africa


Slava Sazhin

Idea Creator, Product Dev.

Dr. Mories Atoki

Strategic Advisor.

Ed Stout, Co Founder, Chief Financial Officer,

Edward Stout

Finance, Strategy.

Dr. Dmitry Fadin

Chief Medical Officer

Oluwatomi Amida

Business Dev., New Market Access.

Dr. Tomi Coker

Strategic Advisor

Saving Lives Across Africa

Join Us

Ed Stout, Co Founder, Chief Financial Officer,

Edward Stout

[email protected]